XS (<-575)
SM (576->)
MD (768->)
LG (992->)
XL (1200->)

Product development and design

We have solutions for realizing your ideas

Do you have an idea for production of machines or equipment, but you do not have the capacity to create a design? Do you need help with a draft and technical documentation? Or do you have a request for a redesign of your current products?

We will provide you with professional guidance at the product design stage. We will actively participate in the entire process, up to the final realization of the product and its serial production. Our experienced team of designers and project managers can design and produce a prototype of any machine, according to the drawing documentation, based on your assignment.

If you are interested in more information, contact us at: sales@spanner.sk


Development and Design of new products

We have a Certificate of Ability to Conduct Research and Development, issued by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic. We are searching for unexplored areas and develop our own devices. In 2020, we brought two of our own products to the market for the disinfection of people during the corona crisis. Disinfection Gates and Smart Disinfection Stands, with built-in advertising space. Both devices were designed by our team of colleagues, who came up with an idea, a complete design solution and production in our own production premises in Považská Bystrica.


Cooperation on Product development

In cooperation with Spanner Re2 GmbH, based in Germany, we develop and manufacture biomass cogeneration units. These are devices for the combined production of electricity and heat, which are characterized by high efficiency. They are ecological, which contributes to environmental protection and sustainability. All over the world, Re2 cogeneration units are installed in medium and larger industrial companies, hotels and wellness, as well as in agricultural and woodworking companies. Public institutions, municipalities and cities are also customers. They are also interesting for those who would like to replace already existing expensive diesel generators or old electricity generators.

At the same time, we cover the Sale of cogeneration units for the territory of Slovakia and neighboring countries. If you are interested in more information, contact us at: +421 907 408 092 or alena.berakova@spanner.sk

Our aim is to show that sustainability and economy can be achieved at the same time. Every business can have a sustainable energy future, so it’s up to us to consider the available options and find a way to use renewable resources.

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