XS (<-575)
SM (576->)
MD (768->)
LG (992->)
XL (1200->)

Project management

We don’t know problems, we only have challenges and solutions

Are you looking for top experts in the field of engineering production and want to entrust the entire production of your product to a passionate team of innovative people? We take every opportunity as a challenge and we realize complex projects that create something new.

We consider the production of complex machines and equipment as one project, for which we create a separate Project Team of experts, consisting of a Project Manager, Designers and the most experienced colleagues from departments in production.

At the beginning of the project, we define the partnership strategy, goals and final outcomes of cooperation. After the delivery of the required documents and materials by the customer, we will prepare a price calculation and a project plan, including the dates for the implementation of the individual phases of the project. Preparation of quotations, contractual and commercial matters are the competences of our Sales team.

The entire process of planning and production is covered by the Project Manager, who is the main person responsible for managing the project. Project Manager communicates with the customer in case of solving technical questions and prepartion of the technical documentation. During prototype production and its optimization, we emphasize regular meetings with the customer and open communication. In the serial production process, we implement steps for continuous improvement.

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