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Disinfection Gate Spanner SK

Prevention against coronavirus

Disinfection Gate made in Povazska Bystrica

We are a small Slovak company based in Považská Bystrica and dealing with engineering production primarily. We came up with the idea for fast and contactless disinfection of people and personnel, which reduces the risk of transmitting infection.

The most resonant topic is the spreading coronavirus pandemic not only in Slovakia, but also worldwide. Some companies are temporarily closed, but many companies have been adapting their product range and they do not stop working even in these times. We decided to deal with this difficult situation by focusing our activities on production specific machines for personnel disinfection. We believe that increasing hygiene on workplaces will become the standard in the future. We think that some of the hygienic measures may not be only a short-term matter, but they will be applied in the long term.

We have been operating in Slovakia since 2005 as a subsidiary of the German family company Otto Spanner GmbH. We have undergone significant development and transformation into the current state, since our establishment. Our highly qualified employees participate in the development of our own products, so we belong to employers with higher added value in the region. The coronacrisis completely changed our plans and therefore we started looking for a solution how to overcome this situation. Patrik Lišaník has been working in the company’s management since 2017 as a CEO and he introduced us an idea and actual situation with this innovative solution.

What is the solution?

We introduced entrance disinfection gates with built-in contactless sensors, which use nozzles to disperse the disinfectant on people passing through these gates. They are made of stainless steel and can be installed in front of entrances to buildings, offices, manufacturing plants, retail chains, medical or various other facilities.

„Our company Spanner SK has many years of experience with complex production, sheet metal processing, production of welded assemblies and assembly units from design to the production of the final products. We thought how we could overcome the coronacrisis and what could help us and other companies in these times, with the help of our experts, technology and our activities. We have modern technologies and “LEAN” process management, which allowed us to design a new product in a short time and prepare it for sale at a time when it is very needed, “says CEO Patrik Lišaník.

What are the characteristics of Disinfection Gate Spanner SK?

First of all, disinfection gates reduce the risk of transmitting the infection. Disinfectant comes into the contact with the people in the form of a fine mist, without any touch. Hygiene is ensured by contactless sensors. Height sensors that detect movement and entry into the gate area automatically start up a disinfection process that takes no more than 5 seconds. The nozzle for hand disinfection is also integrated in the gate area. Hundreds of people can pass through the gate in an hour. It is very fast and effective. Therefore, the gate is suitable for places where a large number of people pass through and it is important to disinfect them.

Patrik Lišaník also adds his statement: “An integrated nozzle for hand disinfection in the gate area will ensure fast and safe hand disinfection, which will ensure complete disinfection of a person before entering the building and before the contact with various surfaces, such as door handles or railings. ”Many infections are spread through dirty hands, so disinfection is important. A regular hand hygiene can protect us from many diseases, from common ones such as cold to more serious ones. Entrance disinfection gates and other methods of disinfection do not guarantee perfect protection, but they are applicable for a prevention against viruses and bacteria.

The production is not endangered by the coronacrisis

From the idea to the realization of the product passed two weeks, thanks to the high flexibility of the team of employees and production. If the company’s production capacities were reoriented to disinfection gates, we would be able to produce hundreds of pieces of gates per month. The response from the market is very positive and we plan to produce gates in tens of pieces per week at the beginning of the production. The product certification process is currently underway and will be launched in the near future.

What is the price and operating costs?

It depends on the specific requirements of the customer. The demand for disinfectants is high and the price depends on the current market situation. “The disinfectant used in the gates is manufactured by a partner company, which provides a guarantee of stable supplies in the required quantities,” adds Patrik Lišaník.

The disinfection gate consumes approx. 7 liters of disinfectant per hour by optimizing and setting the pressure and disinfection cycle correctly.

If you are interested in more information, click Spanner_SK_Disinfection_Gate.

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