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Memorandum of cooperation with Technical School of Engineering

The cooperation between companies and schools is the key to the development of Engineering production 📈⚙
We are very pleased that, as a sign of our partnership, we have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Považská Bystrica Technical School of Engineering 🤝📄 Our common goal is to cooperate in the creation and implementation of the strategic plan of the Center of Excellence for Vocational Education and Training for the field of mechanical engineering, which has a very strong tradition and background in the Považská Bystrica region.
▶️ We provide space for the personal and career growth of our employees.
▶️ We innovate and develop.
▶️ We automate and introduce robotization of processes.
▶️ We employ colleagues of all age categories, because each generation brings “its own” and has something to enrich our work team.
We believe that we have a lot to offer students and future employees and to pass on such valuable experience and knowledge to them 🧠👨‍🏫👩‍🔧

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