XS (<-575)
SM (576->)
MD (768->)
LG (992->)
XL (1200->)

The innovation and investment into the development even in the time of coronacrisis

At the end of the last year, we determined a new strategy and direction of the company. We plan to focus on the development and production of our own products, in order to create the higher added value in the region. The pandemic, that nobody expected, affected our plans at the beginning of this year. E. Roosevelt once said: “If we wait until we are ready, we will never do anything.” And in the meaning of this idea, we passionately worked on a new project during the last months. The complex activity of the production will be still a main part of the company’s operations and a major source of revenues. In addition, despite of the current uncertain economic situation, we decided to invest in a new automated welding robotic workplace.

You can read more in the eTrend article.

The engineering company Spanner SK brings innovations and invests in development even during the corona crisis.








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