XS (<-575)
SM (576->)
MD (768->)
LG (992->)
XL (1200->)

Investment in storage modernization

The result of cooperation with the company KOVAL SYSTEMS, a. s. is almost 5 meters high device with 24 rotating shelves, which were divided into smaller sections, according to our requirements. The total capacity of the device is about 70 m. Its reinforced construction allows up to 300 kg of load to be placed on 1 shelf, which represents a total load capacity of more than 7,000 kg.
The device also includes the IMT Tools database software, which provides accurate records and an immediate overview not only of the current state of the material in the device, but also of its consumption for a specified period.

Paternoster EK 7002 – Industry has tailor-made capacity, database software, accessories and the color version itself.

With what and how does it help us?
✅ Space saving
✅ Efficient and clear storage
✅ Reduction of handling times
✅ Increase productivity


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