XS (<-575)
SM (576->)
MD (768->)
LG (992->)
XL (1200->)

The Investment into the New Robotic Workplace

We decided to invest resources in a new Automated Welding Robotic Workplace Valk Welding, in an effort to make processes more efficiency.


NEWS in the our product portfolio – Smart Disinfection Stand STELA

The Smart Disinfection Stand STELA connects the information area with a place for the hand disinfection.


Changes in the production of Spanner SK

The installation of a new automated welding robotic workplace.


Spanner SK in the Business program on TA3

Innovations in the times of corona crisis.


We customize our workspaces

We have decided to show the important milestones and events in the life of Spanner SK on the timeline.


The letter from the chairman of the Trenčín self-governing region

We are glad that our Spanner SK disinfection gates help to reduce the risk of spreading the infections.


Look at our new product video

We are building a new hygiene standards together.


The innovation and investment into the development even in the time of coronacrisis

At the end of the last year, we determined a new strategy and direction of the company. We plan to focus on the development and production of our own products, in order to create the higher added value in the region.


The presentation of the Disinfection Gate at the University of Logistics in Přerov

Dňa 16.06.2020 sme  predstavili našu dezinfekčnú bránu na Vysokej škole logistiky v Přerove.


Unsere Desinfektionszelle bei TV RTVS

Letzte Woche besuchten uns die Mitarbeiter von RTVS in Považská Bystrica.


Wir haben eine neue Website

Noch vor ein paar Monaten haben wir mit der Realisierung unserer neuen Webseite begonnen.


O2 podcast for business

„We do not say that something is a problem in the our company. We have only challenges and solutions, „says Patrik Lišaník, whose working team is behind the innovative hygiene product.


Mit einer Idee beginnend bis zur Realisierung der Desinfektionszelle Spanner SK

We are a small Slovak company based in Považská Bystrica and dealing with engineering production primarily. We came up with the idea for fast and contactless disinfection of people and personnel, which reduces the risk of transmitting infection.


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